Common Questions
Will any of this change who I work with or how I order?
No. dormakaba already reorganized its sales structure and team to better serve customers and to ensure a great depth of knowledge across its lines. No further changes are anticipated as part of this integration.
Will this change enable me to sell products from other dormakaba clusters?
In many cases, yes. If you identify a project for which you’d like to sell moveable walls or glass partitions, for example, simply contact your dormakaba Group rep to help you get started.
How do I refer to you when we market your products? What guidelines can you give me to properly represent your brands in my selling of your product?
We are dormakaba USA. We offer a portfolio of brands for door hardware. Our top, institutional tier is BEST, our mid or commercial tier is dormakaba, and our unspecified value-level tier is Design Hardware. This gives us a complete, gap-free offering capable of filling any opening at any level. In each case, we occupy the top quality space for the given tier. Over the next year, as the PRECISION and STANLEY names are sunset, you’ll logically just refer to BEST, dormakaba or Design Hardware based on the product and price tier you’re selling.
Are the products I’m used to buying still going to be around after these changes?
One goal of brand integration is to create lines of hardware led by the best-performing products from each of the heritage brands. We anticipate that we will discontinue underperforming products as the market demands. Regardless, we intend to have a comprehensive suite of products that fills all the applications we fill now, and brings new, innovative products to market more frequently.
I didn’t think dormakaba made products. Did it just start?
Prior to the merger both Dorma and Kaba had long histories of manufacturing products—within and outside of door hardware. Those same trusted products are now manufactured under the dormakaba name in many of the same state-of-the-art factories. Through integration, some of dormakaba’s products will also be manufactured in the U.S.
How will I know where to find the product I’m looking for after these changes go into effect?
Our goal is to make this as easy to navigate as possible. We will update catalogs and websites and will send out emails and other notifications as brands are sunset and as products move. You’ll notice that many of the heritage brand names and parts numbers will remain the same. You will still order an APEX 2000 and it will be part of BEST’s Precision Series Exit line, for example. All products will be warrantied and supported at their original levels. We also intend to provide Microsoft Excel documents with new product info, so you can update your own systems. As with any complex transition, questions are sure to arise and there will be a bump here or there. Simply contact your sales rep with questions or concerns of any kind.
For products being discontinued, what do I do with my current inventory?
For most products, the only difference between the new product and what’s on your shelf is the brand name it carries. That won’t affect performance, price or the warranty. We intend to provide ample lead time for you to place new product orders and still sell through discontinued product currently on shelves. We will work with you to ensure a plan for your remaining inventory.
How will specifications work with changing brands and discontinued products?
- If all that has changed is the brand name, the specification will need to be updated accordingly, for example switching Stanley to BEST or PRECISION to BEST. The architect and/or the consultant – whoever authored the spec – can make that update. If the brand name and product nomenclatures have changed, updates must be addressed by the consultant that provided the specification. dormakaba consultants will gladly provide that service. In either case:
- For projects that have not gone to bid, updates can be made by simply updating the brand name and nomenclature (Where applicable) in the Part 2 product section of the specification.
- For projects already bid, updates need to be addressed at the distribution level to ensure the right products are ordered.
- If all that has changed is the brand name, the specification will need to be updated accordingly, for example switching Stanley to BEST or PRECISION to BEST. The architect and/or the consultant – whoever authored the spec – can make that update. If the brand name and product nomenclatures have changed, updates must be addressed by the consultant that provided the specification. dormakaba consultants will gladly provide that service. In either case:
- Products that are discontinued and replaced with a new brand name and/or product nomenclature follow the same process as the above.
Will terms or lead times change with the brand consolidation?
In most cases, no. However, in any complex transition issues can arise. We will work to communicate issues or changes through your sales rep. as soon as they appear.
When and where can I get the latest information related to the brand migration and any updates that will affect the timing?
We have created the dhwsimplified.com website to be your central resource for brand migration information. Additionally, you will receive regular email updates. We will update you on critical timelines and additional resources for your use as we finalize these items. You can also reference our Resource website at any time to access updated product images, sales collateral and more.
Will all changes happen at once?
Our goal is to implement the transition at one time. In preparation of this date, we will be providing you with applicable resources and documentation to support your efforts in updating your systems, sites, and customer communications.
What is your plan to communicate to our customers, architects and end users?
We will be communicating the brand migrations through external publications and organizations to support customer awareness of the changes. We will also be communicating with customers, architects, and end users via direct ongoing emails, social media, and webinars.
DORMA is known for its closers. Does this mean you are eliminating those from other brands?
DORMA closers are a part of the dormakaba product portfolio. Closers are also available in the BEST portfolio.
Will there be any nomenclature changes?
All product nomenclature will stay the same.
Where can I find updated templates, installation instructions, spec sheets and other technical data? Will they all be in one place?
Products in the dormakaba portfolio will be available on the dormakaba website. BEST and Design Hardware product information will be available on the applicable brand’s website and the knowledge base.
Can I expect to get all newly branded and packaged product after the effective date?
There will be a transition period for branded packaging as we work through existing inventory. We will provide you with the packaging update dates and information as we have it readily available.
How and when will these changes be reflected on your websites?
The dormakaba, BEST, and Design Hardware websites will be updated prior to the transition date. The Stanley and Precision websites will be decommissioned, and visitors will be redirected to the remaining brand websites.
Are there any other packaging improvements beyond new branding?
Packaging has been redesigned for the new branding.
Are there any additional branding changes planned in the future?
This brand consolidation is the only brand migration planned at this time.
How will we get updates for our showroom displays?
Our Channel teams will help you coordinate replacing the branding for your showroom displays. Please contact your channel manager.
When will updated logos, images, and brand guides be available for our company websites? How will I receive them?
Updated logos and brand guides are currently available on the DHWSimplified.com site. Images are being updated and will be available on our Marketing Resource site. We will also notify you via email as additional resources are available.